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Inside Bukom, Ghana's world-class boxing factory

·1 min

Born and raised in Bukom, a boxer named Samuel Takyi achieved success at the 2020 Olympics, winning a Bronze medal. He also won a Gold medal at the Africa Games held in Ghana. Takyi considers Bukom the “home of champions” and believes that the boxing culture there is unique. The coach of Ghana’s national boxing team, known as “The Black Bombers,” describes Bukom as a boxing university and a place where aspiring boxers from different regions come to train. Bukom also has gyms that provide support for children, giving them clothing, food, and education to ensure they have better opportunities in life. Another boxer, Joseph Commey, who goes by the name “The Jaguar,” has also achieved success in boxing and aspires to win a medal at the Olympic Games before turning professional. He believes that he will become the greatest boxer in the world this year.